Although I am a full time Senior Lecturer, I still find time to do other activities (that don't involve filming, designing or photography). I am currently a Bowman Classification in Archery and I shoot Barebow. I like to go Airsofting. I have two BMX's and a skateboard that I pretend to be good at.
I designed and coded this website myself; with thanks to Steven Wanderski for his OS code that I used to create the responsive carousels with.
I belong to a gaming community called SpecialAttack and I use Steam to play online games on my PC, that I happened to build myself.
As for consoles, I own an N64, Original Gameboy B&W, Gameboy Color (Yellow), a Wii; which unfortunately I've only got Zelda to blame for the Nintendo obsession. I have a small collection of the 1985 G&W hand held games and a Slimline PS2.
I like to play!